Thursday, March 11, 2010

Vintage Cocktail Dress

vintage cocktail dress
vintage cocktail dress

The best looks never truly go out of style, which is something that has always been true when it comes to fashion. This is especially the case these days, as "retro" styles are very popular and can be seen just about anywhere that you go. When we talk about retro styles, it should be clear that we aren't just discussing shoes, pants, or hair styles, but also formal wear, evening wear, and cocktail dresses. That's right, vintage dresses, especially cocktail dresses, are coming back in a big way, and you should be one of the first to take advantage of this development!

Vintage Dresses- A Great Way to Stand Out

While you always want to make sure you get attention for the right reasons and not the wrong ones, it is obvious that every woman wants her cocktail dress to attract eyes as well as compliments. One of the best ways to stand out without wearing something outlandish, loud, or overly sexy is by improving upon an older style by making it into a great modern look. With vintage cocktail dresses, it is easy to do this, if you know the right way to do it!

vintage cocktail dress

vintage cocktail dress

How to Incorporate a Vintage Cocktail Dress into Your Look

It may be difficult to provide the most helpful and specific advice without seeing someone in person, but there are a number of guidelines that you can follow to ensure that your vintage cocktail dress compliments your look and gives the impression to others that you want it to.

First of all, consider accentuating the vintage dress with more modern touches, such as jewelry or other accessories. This is probably one of the easiest ways to take a vintage style and bring it into a more modern look. You can also take it to the next level by incorporating some makeup styles from the era that your dress represents, along with some staples from your usual look. This will blend everything together quite nicely.

vintage cocktail dress

vintage cocktail dress

Of course, unless the occasion calls for it, you should be careful about incorporating too many retro styles into your look. For instance, a 60's style vintage cocktail dress does not require an accompanying beehive hairdo! Instead, go for a more traditional style with your hair to tie the whole thing together, instead of turning your outfit into a Halloween costume!

Follow Your Instincts!

In the end, only you can decide what type of vintage cocktail dress is best for your appearance, personal style, and the occasion that you will be wearing it to. Still, if you find a great vintage dress somewhere or happen to already have one, you should definitely not be afraid to bust it out and wear it to a party or other get-together. You will be likely to get many compliments on the dress itself, as well as your ability to freshen up an older classic. In doing so, you will make sure that you stand out and get attention for all the right reasons.