Sunday, March 7, 2010

Pink Cocktail Dress

pink cocktail dress

Pink can be a dangerous color to buy, especially when you are looking for a classy cocktail dress. However, it can also be extremely chic and sexy when you find the right color of pink for you. It is a color that definitely stands out from the crowd, so you want to make sure that you find the correct color of pink for your skin tone. There are many different colors of pink, so when trying on cocktail dresses make sure that the color of pink you choose does not wash you out. We still want to be able to recognize the person wearing the dress. The wrong color of pink definitely has a way of making your coloring look completely different, so it is really important to find a color of pink that makes you look natural.

pink cocktail dress

You also do not want to even consider a pink cocktail dress if you have a pink skin tone. You will look like a tomato, and make-up will not be able to cover up your redness. If pink is a color you definitely want to wear buy a neutral colored dress and add pink accessories. A black cocktail dress with a hot pair of pink stilettos will not only make you look great, but you will be able to conquer your pink obsession.

pink cocktail dress

However, if you do find the perfect color of pink for you, do not make the mistake of choosing too many colors to accessorize the dress. Keep your accessories and shoes neutral, so you are not taking anything away from the dress. You want everyone at the event to remember you looking spectacular in your dress, not end up on everyone's worst dressed list for the night.

Also, do not mix colors of pink together thinking that they complement each other. Stick to a pink dress and that is it. Do not all of a sudden decide that light pink stilettos and jewelry will look amazing with your dark pink dress because they absolutely will not. When you are shopping for a pink cocktail dress, that is all you are shopping for. One of the biggest mistakes a shopper can make when shopping for a dress that is a vibrant color, is when the shopper gets too excited and over indulges thinking to themselves that they should then wear the same vibrant color all over their body. I will tell you girls that is very wrong in so many ways.

pink cocktail dress

Skin tones that look great in basically all shades of pink are darker. They can pull off even the lighter shades of pink because their skin does not get washed out. As for my paler girls out there make sure you stay away from the lighter shades, especially when we start moving into the baby pink tones. Your skin just does not complement well with lighter pinks, and that is okay because there are other colors out there for you.

pink cocktail dress

However, my biggest advice to those out there who just cannot do without a pink dress: "Wear it with confidence." When you are strutting your stuff that is all anyone will notice and your confidence will win everyone over.